Risk management

If your company needs

  • A multidisciplinary bias in the recognition of several risks that may affect the business and a methodology of strict controls and proactive actions
  • To face the many risks and preventive actions with a look directed at profitability, opportunity and sustainable long-term growth

Check our services

  • Design, implementation and monitoring of and training on internal control
  • Implementation of the internal audit area and work
  • Mapping of operational and financial processes
  • Mapping of risks, design of controls and SOX / J-SOX / EURO-SOX tests
  • Review of procedures to comply with anti-corruption Law No. 12,846
  • Preparation and review of and training on the Code of conduct
  • Implementation and monitoring of the whistleblowing channel
  • Preparation, review and monitoring of and training on Policies/Procedures
  • Training on internal control, internal audit and whistleblowing channel
  • Assurance on sustainability report