Auditing and accounting advisory

If your company needs to

  • Prove and comply with high levels of governance
  • Comply with national and international accounting standards
  • Meet the requirements of government entities (CVM, ANS), BNDES and Financial Institutions, among others
  • Have a solid planning and support during the process to adopt good accounting, operational and financial practices

Check our services

  • Audit of financial statements of public and private companies
  • Limited review of the financial statements
  • Application of agreed-upon procedures
  • Diagnosis and advisory in the implementation of technical pronouncements issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Accounting valuation reports
  • Advisory in the preparation of financial statements
  • Operational and financial audit
  • Internal audit and controls
  • General accounting advisory
Robson Leonardo Rodrigues
robson Auditing and accounting advisory